Posts in Organic food

GMOs — a Green Scientist’s view

If you’ve been alive in the last 10 years, you’ve likely heard of GMOs — Genetically Modified Organisms. This is a hot and polarizing topic these days, especially when it comes to genetic modification of food. So what do I, as an environmentally- and health-conscious scientist think of them? In a nutshell – I support […]

Top 10 things to “go organic” with

Wow! It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything for this blog, so there’s no better time than now to turn over a new leaf and get those creative juices flowing again! Over the last few years, I’ve had the distinct impression that a lot of people would like to switch their purchasing habits […]

prevention or “the cure”?

We hear a lot these days about “The Cure”, whether it’s for cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, or a multitude of other diseases. What we hear far less of though, is practical information on how to prevent all of these things. Why is that? Wouldn’t you rather not get a disease instead of suffering […]

so what’s the deal with organic food?

This is a great place to start. In recent years, organic food has been popping up everywhere, from Farmers’ Markets to grocery stores to WalMart, the king of “cheap at whatever the cost”. So is this just in fashion right now? Something urban preppies do to look upscale and trendy? The answer: absolutely not. To […]